Medal of Honor (2010)

Company: EA (Danger Close & Dice)
Platform: Xbox 360
1 Player
My Rating: **** 1/2 out of *****

Do note it will contain scenes mention in the VG from me.

This game should set apart from the past MoH titles when it focus way too much on WWII and none of other type of combat.  But what Medal of Honor has done is like Call of Duty is doing modern war.  Which does differently like having the game totally in one place is in Afghanistan and enemies are to be Taliban & Chechen rebels.  This game is set to be told by the actual Tier 1 forces and you would be playing different characters from Rangers, Tier 1 Neptune & Wolfpack.  Also just like COD is using regeneration health and picking up weapons off the ground.  But if you need to have more ammo for allies weapon is to be near an ally to press the corresponded button.  They will only give you ammo if you are in a specific ammo count.

If I need to say about the graphics in this game look better than COD MW titles.   When you notice on how the lighting reflect and as well seeing the character facial movements during cinematic and during the fights.  It does look realistic just like COD MW titles and even seeing gore factor which barely have one in first COD MW.  Lets move onto the sounds which is quite compelling when they try to mix in during a sneaky scene w/ the Taliban and throughout the saving mission.  It is quite good to hear some jokes on the side when the war you try to focus on winning.  The controls are pretty similar to COD MW as their aren’t much to say.  There is a Tier-1 mode which focus on single player campaign to beat the leaderboards on fastest time to reach past on the level online.  Danger Close focus on the single player while Dice goes on for multi-player.  Downside to this game is being short up to 6 hrs. either playing up to hard difficulty.   There is glitches and bugs that could’ve been worked on.  Overall this game gets a good enough score of  **** 1/2 of *****.

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